Jumat, 25 Maret 2016

Anthropology Tees

Hi, its so sunny day today.
I was fever a couple days ago, but now I feel healthier.
As I live alone in another city, I have to take care of myself by my own.
But, I'm not going to talk about that
I'm gonna talk about a t-shirt
If I'm success sell some, I'll have some money.
I'm so interest, cause I live alone and I have to get more money to take care myself.
So here the tees,


*Cotton Combed 30s
*International size available in S/M/L/XL
*IDR 80k
*Back details: "The purpose of Anthropology is to make the world safe for human differences" - Ruth Benedict

For more information, please contact me on:
Instagram: @yenezaaa
Twitter: @yeneza
E-mail: yenezaaa@gmail.com


Sabtu, 12 Maret 2016

Good Bye, Grandpa

Right today, I got a phone call in the early morning and its wake me up.
That was my mom, and she said that her father is dead.
She told me just a couple days ago that my grandpa was sick, and now? She told me that he is gone now. What a surprise.....

My mom live just far far far away from her family, they all live in Riau and we live in Tangerang. My mom moved here when she was young, she moved cause she wants to be a nurse. How hard life is....she have to leave her family cause she want make her dream comes true. As long as I remember, I just know that she back home once, cause she have to spend a lot of money if she want to go to Riau. We just didn't have enough money to take all family members, so she decide to go by herself.

When I was a kid, my grandpa like to visited me and stay for a long time at home. He like to pick me up when I was in kindegarden with bycicle, and bought me a yellow snoppy bycicle...yeah, finally I have my own bycicle cause him. He really nice men, I love him. He took a good care of me, really good. He always bought me candies and everything that would make me happy, he even teach me how to make a kite!!!! But when I'm going to elementary school till finally he gone now, he never come to our home anymore.

My mom really sad right now cause she had a bad news on the phone, and its made me scare too. Why? Cause now I live far away from home too like she did. I took university in Semarang, it spend 8 hours with train but just 1 hour with airplane, but I usually used train cause its more cheap than plane (I know you know that).

I just scare that if one day, in early morning or maybe in a middle of the night, or maybe when I'm on the class my phone ringing, and its from one of my family and give me a bad news, what will happen to me? What can I do?

When my parents got sick, I just can't do anything to make them healthy or well, I can't take care of them. How sad it is....

Its a tough life to stay away from home, your parents, your family.
Treat them well as long as you can, and so do that to all people that you love...

Now rest in peace, Grandpa. I will always love, thanks for all love and the knowledge that you gave.


NOTE: I don't even have his photo..😢

Kamis, 10 Maret 2016

Victor Frankenstein

Today I wanna tell something about movie that I watched a couple days ago, that was "Victor Frankenstein". 

Victor Frankenstein  is a 2015 American science fiction fantasy horror film based on contemporary adaptations of Mary Shelley's 1818 novel "Frankenstein". It is directed by Paul McGuigan and written by Max Landis. Starring James McAvoy as the title character and Daniel Radcliffe as Igor, the film was released by 20th Century Fox on November 25, 2015.


So, the point from that movie remainds me to all people that doing stuff like "make a dead human come alive" experiment, or something that can make people not die or live forever. And I just thinking, if theres someone can do that..........I afraid that she/he will forget about "God's power"

I'm not a religious person, but I do believe in God. And when people can make stuff like that, they'll feel confident about what they done and forget about "God's power"

And it will be like this:

*the moment when they fail*

"Oh yeah, I just can't make it right now"
(At the moment like this, they just feel fail like failed doin math homework)

*the moment when they success*
(At the moment like this, they just feel like everything that happen all because themselves)

But how if we are thinking that was God's power? How if God let them got fail, and God let them make it?

And after all, I just wanna say that everything that we do or done is not just because ourself, its all because God's power. Don't ever forget that.

About "Victor Frankenstein" movie, its good enough to watch, and here the trailer.



Minggu, 06 Maret 2016

Public Diary

"Its been a long day without you my friend" -by an ost fast and farious (I just forgot the title HHH)

Yeah, its been a long day without you my friend...I mean, my blog. But start from now, maybe I'm gonna use this blog to be my public diary so maybe I will often post something. Every single thing that cross into my mind will be post here, is it important or not I'll post it.



Kamis, 09 April 2015

A Little Journey with Mom

I am a student at the University of Diponegoro, Semarang.
So, my second hometown is Semarang for 3,5 or max. 4 years from now (aaamiiin)
A week ago, my mom visited me here a-l-o-n-e.
Then after she arrived, we decide to go to some nice places.

Our first destination is Lawang Sewu (Thousand Doors)
It called a thousand doors because have a lot of doors there.
Lawang Sewu is an old building, you can search the information about this place HERE

There are so many places or spot for you take a picture.
Everyone knows that this place is a haunted house, cause yeapppp there so many ghosts here :)
For the famous one is Kuntilanak
This place have a spooky basement at building B


Our second destination is an oldest temple in Semarang,
Sam Poo Kong.
But also known as Gedung Batu Temple (The Stone Building)
When you visit here, you'll feel like you are in China now. That was a beautiful place!!
You can find out the information about this place HERE

Semarang have a hot weather
After walk around that places, me and my mom felt was 'tanning' a whole day
Our skin burned
It feels like we don't have to go to the beach to get a tan skin (lol)

There so many beautiful places in Semarang
But I hope, the city government can make more beautiful places


Go visit my Instagram ---> @yenezaaa if you like to :)

Thanks for reading :*

Selasa, 18 Februari 2014

Before its too late...

If I can go back, to the past....I really really want to change all my mistakes. Stop make people disappointed because of me, and make people around me happy.
So I can make a beautiful thing, before someone pass away.
I can make a great thing, before I pass away.
I just a girl who freaking out about 'die'
I never ready to hear that.
I just imagine....how my life will go on after he/she dead..
What will happen if I'm gone?

Before it's too late..
Before I can't say it..

I wanna say sorry.
Sorry for all my mistake I ever done.
I hope you all forgive me,
And I really do love you.


Minggu, 09 Februari 2014

Quote of The Day

Saat dalam suatu hubungan pacaran, kadang kita pernah merasa bahwa kitalah orang yang selalu mengalah ataupun berjuang untuk hubungan tersebut.
Tapi disisi lain, pasangan kitapun kadang merasa bahwa dia lah yang selalu mengalah dan berjuang untuk hubungan tersebut.
Jadi, jangan pernah merasa bahwa hanya kamu yang mengalah dan berjuang. tapi yakinlah, bahwa yang melakukan semua itu adalah kalian berdua.....♥
