Kamis, 09 April 2015

A Little Journey with Mom

I am a student at the University of Diponegoro, Semarang.
So, my second hometown is Semarang for 3,5 or max. 4 years from now (aaamiiin)
A week ago, my mom visited me here a-l-o-n-e.
Then after she arrived, we decide to go to some nice places.

Our first destination is Lawang Sewu (Thousand Doors)
It called a thousand doors because have a lot of doors there.
Lawang Sewu is an old building, you can search the information about this place HERE

There are so many places or spot for you take a picture.
Everyone knows that this place is a haunted house, cause yeapppp there so many ghosts here :)
For the famous one is Kuntilanak
This place have a spooky basement at building B


Our second destination is an oldest temple in Semarang,
Sam Poo Kong.
But also known as Gedung Batu Temple (The Stone Building)
When you visit here, you'll feel like you are in China now. That was a beautiful place!!
You can find out the information about this place HERE

Semarang have a hot weather
After walk around that places, me and my mom felt was 'tanning' a whole day
Our skin burned
It feels like we don't have to go to the beach to get a tan skin (lol)

There so many beautiful places in Semarang
But I hope, the city government can make more beautiful places


Go visit my Instagram ---> @yenezaaa if you like to :)

Thanks for reading :*

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